B-SET - Boston Special Education Transition - RESOURCE FAIR Sat. 10/24/15 and Plan

Resource Fair and Action Plan ReleaseRESOURCE FAIR Saturday, October 24, 201510:00 am – 12:00 NoonState Street Corporation Channel Center1 Iron Street • Boston, MA 02210FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION:http://massadvocates.org/resource-fair-and-action-plan-releaseMA_BSET_2015Flyer: PDFPLEASE JOIN US AT THE RELEASE OFInclusive Employment and Career for Boston Youth with Disabilities: Pathways to the Talent PipelineA REPORT BYWorkforce Development Task ForceBoston Special Education Transition Project (B-SET)Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC)RESOURCE FAIRSaturday, October 24, 201510:00 am – 10:45 amFORMAL PRESENTATIONS10:45 am – 12:00 NoonSPEAKERS INCLUDE:

  • Dr. Tommy Chang Boston Public Schools superintendent
  • Richard Curtis VP of Workforce Development and Talent Acquisition, State Street Corporation
  • Brian Doherty General Agent/Secretary Treasurer of the Building and Construction Trades Council of the Metropolitan District
  • Ron Marlow Undersecretary for Workforce Development at the MA Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Jerry Mogul MAC executive director
  • Oswald “Oz” Mondejar Senior VP Mission and Advocacy, Partners Continuing Care and member of US Department of Labor Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive, Integrated Employ­ment for People with Disabilities
  • Alice Moore Undersecretary of the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services
  • Trinh Nguyen Director, Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION:http://massadvocates.org/resource-fair-and-action-plan-releasePlan Files:Action_Plan_Executive_SummaryAction_Plan_Full_Report


100-Day Plan - Listen & Learn Session - Nov 19, 2015 - Advanced Work Classes, Mass Core


Roche Adaptive Skating Program - R.A.S.P.