Moving Forward With Inclusion Done Right

Dear Educators and Parents,Momentum is building! At our recent Inclusion Done Right meeting there were 70 of us sharing stories, looking at the data we collected so far about inclusion in the district, and beginning to  draw up recommendations.  Your passion and commitment to fighting for the services our students deserve and for more educators, not more licenses is crystal clear!Inclusion Working Group Meeting - Monday, Dec. 16On Monday, December 16th there will be a meeting of the Inclusion Working Group, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, at the Bolling Building. ( The Inclusion Working Group is  a joint body composed of BTU members and staff and BPS.)  At this time we will be sharing recommendations for how to better meet the needs of students in our inclusion classrooms.  Some educators will be sharing their personal experiences, along  data we have collected to support the recommendations being made. Our presence at this meeting is one way we can demonstrate how much we care about seeing Inclusion Done Right.Please let us know if you are able to be present at the Inclusion Working Group meeting.  RSVP here.Inclusion TrackerTo get the inclusion services our students deserve it will take all of us being vigilant and reporting what we see.  Help the BTU keep track of contract violations, legal violations, and other instances of student needs not being met by reporting what you see using this Inclusion Tracker. The information you share here will only be seen by BTU staff.  Parents, educators and students are encouraged to use this tracker.  For examples of violations, please go to and scroll down to "Inclusion Tracker".Next Inclusion Done Right meetingOur next Inclusion Done Right meeting is set for Tuesday, January 14th, 4:30 - 6:30 pm.  Please help us spread the word!Thank you,Ilene CarverBTU Organizer


Sensory Friendly Event: A Christmas Celtic Sojourn


Boston Children's Museum Morningstar Access