Everyday ABA for Parents
Parent Training: Everyday ABA
Everyday ABA: Practical Strategies for You and Your Child
ABA, or Applied Behavior Analysis, is considered by many to be the gold standard intervention for teaching individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Through its data driven, evidence-based methodology, ABA has been shown to encourage positive behavior change, skill development, and greater independence for a wide variety of learners. ABA is a science and each child’s program should be designed around their unique learning profile. While ABA may be accessed as an intervention by trained professionals through a child’s individualized education plan (IEP), or through your family’s insurance plan, the foundations of this therapeutic approach can be used by YOU, right at home.In partnership with New England ABA, the Autism Program at BMC developed a free 6-part parent training series, focused on helping parents and caregivers learn about behavior, how to change behavior, and ways to promote skills in their children. Click below to access these training videos and supplemental materials.
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Everyday ABA Session 1: What is ABA anyway?
In this session, Tim Sullivan (M.Ed., BCBA, LABA; Executive Director, NE ABA) will describe the background on Applied Behavior Analysis and how it can be used to support behavior management, promote communication, facilitate play and independence skills, and help you connect with your child.Class Documents