Federation for Children with Special Needs

Guidance from DESE

DESE presentation to Special Educators 04.03.2020

COVID-19 FAQ for schools and districts regarding Special Education 03.26.2020

Stay Connected to the Federation, we are here to help!

The Federation is open and we are working remotely to provide information and resources for families and the professionals who serve them. These are challenging times, so please stay in touch, we will get through this together!Send us your Questions or Concerns – Please take a minute to fill out this quick needs survey to help us understand what is going on across the state during this time of remote learning. The Federation would like to know how families are interacting with their schools and how we can best serve our families.Phone: 617-236-7210 or 800-331-0688 and Family TIES: 800-905-8437Email: info@fcsn.org or go to Online Intake Form: https://fcsn.org/ptic/call-center/call-center-intake-form/Follow the Federation on Facebook @fcsnfb and watch our daily Livestream!

Watch the latest Webinars:

In light of the challenges we are hearing from our families, the Federation has joined with SPaN and the Arc to address some of the concerns about school closures and the effect it is having on students with special needs.

I have attached our joint letter to DESE. Pam Nourse, Executive Director, FCSN

Questions during this pandemic?
  • Call Family TIES for community resources and referral information on Early Intervention at 800-905-8437.
  • Call FCSN Call Center with questions on special education or health care needs at 800-331-0688
  • Or fill out the form on the Federation’s website. Online Form
Update on COVID-19 Co-hosted by SPaN and FCSN.
Daily Facebook Livestreamsj
Information and Support in 10 minutes or less 2:00pm
Monday - Friday
MassPAC Monday
Transition Tuesday
Wellness Wednesday
Thriving Thursday
Facts Friday
Wednesday, April 15th 10:30am, Presenters: Robert Crabtree, Esq. and Michele G. Scavongelli, Esq. Moderated by Lisa Lapinski, Esq. and Tim Sindelar, Esq. Join us for our third COVID-19 Webinar. Our focus will include providing tools and strategies for advocates and families for getting services during school closures. We will also discuss effective communication with schools, and answer the most common questions advocates are raising.
(This session has reached capacity but is scheduled to be recorded)
Presenter: Chandler Creedon - Translating Assessments to something meaningful
This series is for Special Education Surrogate Parent, PCTI trained Parent Consultant or SEPAC Officer
Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent SESP. SESPs serve as appointed decision makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to participate in special education process for eligible students in the care or custody of the state or whose parents are unknown or unavailable. (3 hours)
Presenter: Yulika Forman, PhD, The Expert Ally. This webinar will provide considerations and specific strategies for supporting children on the spectrum at home during school closure related to COVID-19. It will be informative for parents and other caregivers, as well as professionals who are supporting families through this new reality.  (1 hour)
Online Learning
Leslie Leslie from MassPAC had the opportunity to meet remotely with Attorney Annette Hines and record a podcast on the Power of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils. You can access the 30 minute podcast at: Podcast Access
Basic Rights in Special Education
FCSN will be recording special webinars, breaking each of our Basic Rights in Special Education presentations into four 20 minute online workshops for families and professionals to view at home. The presentation slides for each of the FCSN Basic Rights series of workshops can be found at slideshare.com – search for “FCSN”.
Please check our FCSN Facebook page @fcsnfb this week for links to these webinars:
  • Part 1 – Referral, Consent and Evaluation
  • Part 2 – The Team Meeting and Eligibility Determination

Visions of Community 2020 Keynote Speakers


Family Letter from MA Department of Education