With Tim Sindelar Esq. & Constance Hilton Esq. 
Tuesday Evening, September 15th 
School building closures in 2020 resulted in cessation of services and remote learning services that proved to be inappropriate, and inadequate for many students with disabilities. Many of these students will require some form of compensatory services. This webinar will provide both the theoretical and practical basis for presenting these claims.
  1. Review of the basic principles for compensatory services for students with disabilities.
  2. Compensatory services in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  3. The mechanics of seeking compensatory services.
  4. Building the best case for compensatory services.
  5. Fashioning appropriate relief
  6. Barriers to seeking relief: statute of limitations, burden of proof, "clean hands".
  7. Making a case in these "challenging times."
Tuesday Evening, September 15, 2020
6:30 to 9:00 pm
Virtual Presentation Via Zoom Webinar 
Registration Rates:
Member $25
Non-Member $40
Registration closes on Sunday September 13th. Walk-in/late registrations please email info@spanmass.org for availability.
Tim Sindelar, Esq. 
Tim Sindelar has been a practicing attorney for more than 43 years with a practice specializing in disability and education issues for the last 25 years. After spending 25 years in public interest law, he started a solo practice in Newton, where he represents students and their families and adults with disabilities. He has had the pleasure of working on a wide range of matters, representing 100s of families at the BSEA and in state and federal courts.
Constance Hilton, Esq. 
Connie Hilton has recently retired from private practice after more than thirty years representing children with disabilities and their families in special education cases and other school related matters. Connie also served as a guardian ad litem in probate court and juvenile court cases. Connie previously served as a hearing officer for the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) and as a staff attorney with the Massachusetts Office for Children (OFC).

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