BTU Community Forum on Safe Spaces

Dear Community Partners and Allies,

The BTU invites you to an online community forum this Thursday, September 24 from 5:30-7:00pm to provide the wider Boston community with information about results of safety walkthroughs of school buildings.Please join us and prepare to share what concerns you have heard from your members/constituency/community about the conditions of school buildings. We will also discuss what our response should be as a community if buildings are deemed unsafe for students to return.RSVP using this form and you will receive the Zoom link to participate. If members of your organization require interpretation please request it on the form by end of day tomorrow (Tues, Sept 22) so that arrangements can be made.
At this forum, Roxi will also give an update on the fight for providing services to high needs students.
Please reach out with any questions!


Ilene Carver
BTU Organizer

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