BPS: HOME AND HOSPITAL INSTRUCTIONThe Home and Hospital Instruction Program ensures the continuity of education for students who will be out of school for more than 14 days in a school year at home or in a hospital per a qualified physician's statement. Home and Hospital Instruction services are provided to qualified Boston Public Schools (BPS) students, Special Education students on private tuition and Boston resident students participating in the METCO program under state regulation 603 CMR 28.03(3)(c).The program provides appropriate instruction with the opportunity for students to maintain uninterrupted equal access to school curriculum. Home and Hospital Instruction collaborates with schools, parents, agencies and hospitals to ensure alignment of educational goals and curriculum, and to ensure proper referrals to services based on students' needs.

InitiativesThrough the Panorama online platform, the BPS Home and Hospital Instruction Program is providing ongoing assessment of students' social emotional leaning (SEL) needs, with targeted activities that are integrated with students' lesson plans, to boost students' SEL competencies. Through this initiative, students' skills and abilities are affirmed and supported, with additional development of SEL competencies fostered through integrated activities aligned with areas that represent an opportunity for additional skill building and growth.

Home and Hospital Instruction offers online learning and instruction that is paired with direct tutoring through the Acellus online learning platform. This program affords participating students greater flexibility to maintain academic progression and complete coursework in unique subject areas, while still receiving instructional support and guidance through their assigned tutor. Acellus courses meet the rigorous curriculum standards of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.Physician's Statement FormCONTACTSocorro HollandCoordinator, Home and Hospital Instruction617-635-6633sholland2@bostonpublicschools.org


Boston Ballet School - Adaptive Dance


Fall 2020 Special Education Guidance