Sample Letter:

Sample Letter:

Hello,The City of Boston and Boston Teachers Union previously stated that if the city reaches 4% positive on Covid testing, all Boston Public Schools would move to 100% remote. Some of our children cannot access remote learning and require their in-person therapies and special education service to prevent regression. I am advocating for all families with students with high needs as defined by DESE and on the BPS reopening site. These families need to continue to have the choice between both options of hybrid and remote. In the past week, 3,400 of our high-needs children have finally been able to access the in-person services that they so desperately needed and we must continue to advocate for their family’s choice to continue to receive in-person services without interruption.I ask that you come together with other elected officials and BPS to prioritize students with high needs with a plan to keep our kids safe, keep the option for high needs students to receive in person learning, and provide all IEP services, including in-home services. The priority needs to remain on high needs children and family choice for in-person learning services."You may choose to add a personal story. You can add details without listing personal information like a student's name or specific school"Regards,XXXXXX


BPS 2020_2021 Attendance Procedures


SpEdPAC General Meeting 10.17.20 - Step by Step Due Process Appeal Rights