MAC Chat: Remote and In-person Special Education Evaluations During COVID-19


As part of our COSA response to the COVID-19 outbreak, MAC is leading biweekly virtual chats for parents to connect with each other and learn tips for advocating for your children during this pandemic.

This week, Dr. Joseph Moldover, a developmental neuropsychologist who directs Dr. Joseph Moldover and Associates will help answer your questions about conducting remote and in-person special education evaluations during COVID-19. Dr. Moldover will address important issues to consider when conducting evaluations, re-evaluations, and independent evaluations in a safe and reliable manner during the pandemic.

This chat will be helpful for parents of children with all types of disabilities, including autism.

Please bring your questions. We want to hear from you!

Thursday, December 17, 20208:00-8:45  PM

Register in advance for the chat:

You only have to register once for the entire chat series. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the chat.

Questions? Email


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COVID-19 Vaccine Plan for MA