BPS Dashboard

Click here for the BPS DASHBOARD

View information about Learning Model Selection, Student Attendance, Online Activity, Chromebook Distribution, and Staff Attendance.Each page includes a description of the data that is included and provides context for the information. The data can be viewed for the whole district or by a school and reported by a student group, neighborhood, and other categories. We are sharing this information with the goal of increasing transparency and access to data for our families, staff, and the community.The dashboard does not capture the richness of online instruction or other ways our teachers are engaging our students remotely or in-person. It captures a moment in time but cannot provide the full picture of student engagement and learning. BPS uses the data to identify trends and direct support and services in situations where attendance or engagement is low. In addition to this dashboard, each school has a more detailed dashboard that provides information on specific students which will not be shared publicly.


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