Please read and only agree to a Covid-19 Compensatory Service plan that meets your child's particular needs. It is a legal document and you have appeal rights just like those for an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Who is eligible for Covid-19 Compensatory Services (CCS)

What services are available?

  • CCS Services are individualized similar to an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  • Any special education service, placement or accomdation that would help with your child's individual regression as a result of COVID -19 is an option.
  • The regression period is based on your child and may be from March 18th - June 30th or March 18th - February 1st.
  • You are not limited to any particular options, if the standard options do not meet the needs of your child.

Examples of CCS 

  • Temporary placement Change
  • Specialized rules-based reading program for a particular period of time
  • Social Skills Group (that was not previously part of IEP)
  • Addition of daily check-ins with a counselor for the next 5 months
  • Transition Services beyond age 22

When would CCS Services be Provided?

  • You may choose to develp the service plan but leave the date open until when in-person services are available for Covid-19 Compensatory Services.
  • Specific services may be built into the school day dependent on your child's needs and schedules.



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