Mass Advocates for Children Upcoming Events

Special Education & COVID-19: MAC Monthly Chat SeriesSecond Thursday of each month from 8 - 8:45 PM 5/13 Chat: Tips for Filing Special Education Complaints during COVID-19 and Recovery and Q&A with MAC attorneys Liza Hirsch and Julia Landau As part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery, and to support families as students begin returning to school in-person, MAC is leading monthly virtual chats for parents to connect with each other and learn the latest updates and advocacy tips. For our next chat, MAC attorneys Liza Hirsch and Julia Landau will provide tips for filing complaints and will also answer questions you may have regarding in-person learning, compensatory services, IEPs, MCAS, summer services, and recovery. Ask questions and learn from each other about how to navigate the many changes your family is experiencing during the pandemic. This chat will be helpful for parents of children with all types of disabilities, including autism.Please bring your questions. We want to hear from you! 

Advance registration is required:

Interested in our Spanish Charlas Mensuales? Click here for upcoming and past charlas.Join us the third Wednesday of each month at 8 PM.
Help us help you! We want to get to know you and how our chats have been able to help you through this time. If you've attended a MAC Chat, please take our 3 minute survey to help us better serve you:
This survey will close May 17th.
More Upcoming Events:
BSEA Mediation and Facilitated Team Meetings during the pandemic year The Coalition to Defend Special Education welcomes Myrto Flessas, Coordinator of Mediation and Facilitation at the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA), to present on BSEA Mediation and Facilitated Team Meetings during the pandemic year. Please RSVP to to receive the Zoom link and information.
Person-first and Identity-first Language: A Focus Group for Young People with Disabilities Join MAC Communications Manager Lilia Melikechi for a focus group discussion on the use of person-first and identity-first language. MAC is reflecting on our practices around speaking and writing about disability, and it is important to us that we center the perspectives of young people with disabilities in this process. Open to youth ages 15-22 with disabilities.

This focus group will take place on Zoom. If interested, please RSVP to


Survey from Tiered Focused Monitoring System & Parent Interviews


City Council Education Budget Hearings on Closing Achievement & Opportunity Gap