Mass Advocates for Children: Special Education & COVID-19

Special Education & COVID-19: MAC Monthly Chat Series
Second Thursday of each month from 8 - 8:45 PM
6/10 Chat: Q&A in Small Groups with MAC Attorneys: Special Education, COVID-19, and Recovery
with MAC attorneys Diana Santiago, Janine Solomon, and Julia Landau
As part of
our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery,
and to support families as students begin returning to school in-person, MAC is leading monthly virtual chats for parents to connect with each other and learn the latest updates and advocacy tips.
MAC attorneys Diana Santiago, Janine Solomon, and Julia Landau will each answer questions in breakout rooms, providing more time with smaller groups to answer questions you may have regarding in-person learning, compensatory services, IEPs, summer services, recovery, and fall reopening. Ask questions and learn from each other about how to navigate the many changes your family is experiencing during the pandemic.This chat will be helpful for parents of children with all types of disabilities, including autism.Please bring your questions. We want to hear from you!
Advance registration is required:
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for upcoming and past charlas.
Join us the third Wednesday of each month at 8 PM.

Help us help you!
We want to get to know you and how our chats have been able to help you through this time.
If you've attended a MAC Chat,
please take our 3 minute survey to help us better serve you:
COVID-19 Resources:

PRS Letters of Finding
MAC made a public records request for all complaints filed with the state's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Problem Resolution System (PRS) alleging noncompliance with special education laws during COVID-19.
provides the PRS Letters of Finding we've obtained, which show the final decisions on complaints filed. Search by school district or area of concern, or download a full list!

COVID-19 Compensatory Services
Students who have lost skills or have been unable to learn new skills during the pandemic can request an IEP meeting to discuss their need for COVID-19 Compensatory Services (CCS) on top of services on their IEP.Download our
COVID-19 compensatory services FAQs
page or
to the school to start the conversation.