Boston Public Schools (BPS) is conducting meetings with students, families, staff, district partners, and community members to gather input to help develop a plan for remote learning and the reopening of school buildings for this upcoming school year. All decisions are made based on current guidelines from public health officials and what is best for our community. All public meetings will be recorded and shared. Get involved! Contact and join the discussion.


Saturday, July 11 Countdown to Kindergarten families
Thursday, July 164:30-5:30 pm English learner families - Chinese and Vietnamese speakers在這裡註冊    Đăng ký ở đây
Thursday, July 165:30-6:30 pm English learner families - Haitian CreoleEnskri isit la
Tuesday, July 211:00-2:00 pm BPS Central Office StaffEmail to attend
Tuesday, July 216:00-7:00 pm English learner families - Arabic and Somali speakersسجل هنا   Halkan iska qor
 Thursday, July 231:00-2:30 pm Boston Student Advisory Council and Youth Leader partner groupsEmail to attend
 Thursday, July 234:30-5:30 pm English learner families - Spanish speakersRegistrarse aquí
 Thursday, July 235:30-6:30 pm English learner families - Cape Verdean and Portuguese speakersFormulario di registo    Registre-se aqui
Saturday, July 25,  10:00-11:30 am General PublicRegister here
Tuesday, July 28,6:00-7:30 pm General PublicRegister here
Thursday, July 30,  5-6:30 pm General PublicRegister here
Tuesday, August 4,5:00-6:30 pm General PublicRegister here
Thursday, August 6,5:00-6:30 pm General PublicRegister here
Saturday, August 8,10:00-11:30 am General PublicRegister here

Circle of Support for Vietnamese Speaking Parents


Suspend Boston Exam School Admissions Testing for One Year!